Stephen King begitu mengagumi The Lord of the Ring-nya JRR Tolkien. Kekaguman itu lalu dituangkan menjadi sebuah serial saga berlatar belakang western, The Dark Tower. Terdiri dari 7 buku, Serial The Dark Tower ini memiliki rentang penerbitan yang sangat panjang. Dari penerbitan judul pertama, The Gunslinger, pada tahun 1982 sampai judul terakhir, The Dark Tower, tahun 2004. Selengkapnya, serial The Dark Tower adalah sebagai berikut:
1. The Gunslinger (1982)
The opening chapter in the epic Dark Tower series. Roland, the last gunslinger, in a world where time has moved on, pursues his nemesis, The Man in Black, across a desert. Roland's ultimate goal is the Dark Tower, the nexus of all universes. This mysterious icon's power is failing, threatening everything in existence.
2. The Drawing of the Three (1987)
Part II of an epic saga. Roland, the last gunslinger, encounters three mysterious doorways on the beach. Each one enters into a different person living in New York. Through these doorways, Roland draws the companions who will assist him on his quest to save the Dark Tower.
3. The Waste Lands (1991)
Part III of an epic saga. Roland and his companions, Eddie and Susannah Dean, find the Path of the Beam that will lead them to the Dark Tower. Along the way, Roland adds two new members to his ka-tet (a group united for a specific purpose). In the decaying city of Lud, they encounter new dangers, including a sentient train that has gone insane.
4. Wizard and Glass (1997)
Part IV of an epic quest. Roland the Gunslinger and his followers have to contend with a sentient monorail intent on killing itself and taking them with it. While seeking to return to the Path of the Beam that will lead them to the Dark Tower, Roland tells his friends a story about the tragic loss of his first love, Susan Delgado.
5. Wolves of the Calla (2003)
The ka-tet has traveled to the Calla Bryn Sturgis, a tranquil community, long tormented by the Wolves of Thunderclap who have stolen their children and are then returned “roont.” With help from the ka-tet and Pere Callahan, also from a portal between worlds, the Calla folken decide this time to fight the Wolves and protect their children.
6. Song of Susannah (2004)
Susannah, now pregnant, has yet another taking control of her. The demon-mother, Mia, uses Susannah and Black Thirteen to transport to New York City of 1999. Jake, Oy, and Pere Callahan must rescue Susannah while Eddie and Roland transport to the Maine of 1977. A vacant lot in New York is the prize that must be saved and ties these together.
7. The Dark Tower (2004)
Roland’s ka-tet is reunited, but not without cost. The last episode of the story takes them on the final stretch of their journey to The Dark Tower. Though they have rescued Susannah, there are still enemies who must be dealt with along the way and who could be their ultimate destruction. Constant readers will recognize characters from past books, who like the ka-tet, have found themselves caught in the spider's web spun by the Crimson King? Gan? Questions are answered and others asked. The journey is long and ka is but a wheel.
Begitu mengetahui tentang adanya The Dark Tower series ini, aku langsung ingin membaca dan mengoleksinya. Untuk mengoleksi buku-buku ini sebenarnya sangat mudah. Pesan saja di amazon[dot]com, beres. Tapi... dasar tukang baca gak punya duwit, aku lebih memilih jalan berliku agar dapat memperolehnya dengan harga yang 'pantas' (malu oi mau menyebut 'murah'). Akhirnya, satu tahun yang lalu aku berhasil mendapatkan seri III dan IV di Gramedia Sudirman Yogyakarta masing-masing dengan harga 24ribu. Lalu hari ini, aku telah memesan secara online seri V di sini seharga 53rb dan seri VI di sini seharga 47,5rb (sudah termasuk ongkos kirim). Ini pengalaman pertama bagiku, belanja secara online. Janjinya, gak sampai seminggu buku-buku itu sudah sampai ke tanganku. Kita tunggu saja.
Jadi tinggal seri I, II dan VII yang masih harus kuburu. Ada yang bisa membantu aku untuk memperolehnya-kah? Jika ada yang tahu info di mana aku bisa membelinya atau jika ada yang mau menjual koleksinya (dengan harga yang 'pantas') bilang ke aku ya. Sukur-sukur kalau ada yang mau menghibahkannya he..he..
Untuk yang mau sekedar membacanya, bisa men-download ebook The Dark Tower Series 1-7, di sini atau di sini.
Note: Gambar dan Sinopsis diambil dari sini.